Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Is that irony, comeuppance or just bad luck?

So yesterday I sat down to write a little essay on media management that was going to find it's way onto this blog at some point.

While editing video quite successfully for the previous 5 hours, 120 words of unmediated brilliance on that topic (media management) were enough to completely blow the hard drive away. Damn machine thinks it doesn't even have a drive installed. Tekserve (local computer repair shop) has it now, and think it needs a completely new drive. I'll have lost about 3 days work on a short film, most likely. Otherwise, the hit isn't too bad.

(p.s. why does the spell checker on blogger not know the word 'blog'?)

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

hello world.

this is a new blog whereupon I intend to share my opinions on sundry matters. I also hope it will help me make my writing better by practicing.